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The health benefits of tea time

There are thousands of varieties of tea out there, and each unique type has its own health benefits.

Here is a list of a few of the many different types of teas, some of which you may have never even heard of.

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Green tea, black tea, white tea and oolong tea

Many of the health benefits of green, black, white and oolong tea overlap because they come from the same plant, the Camellia sinensis.

According to Berkeley Wellness, each type has most of these benefits:

While these teas share many of the same health benefits, they are unique in their aromas, levels of caffeine and tastes due to the way each tea is processed.

Herbal tea

Herbal teas come from plants other than the Camellia sinensis, and there are many varieties. According to Livestrong, these types of herbal teas have the following benefits.

Want more information about herbal teas and their benefits? Check out this website.