If we pay for parking permits, we expect to know where we can park on campus without worrying about a ticket. However, for many new students, knowing where to park can be confusing. Parking and Transportation Services has provided maps to show students where they can park on campus, but many students don’t know that each weekday after 4:30 p.m., you can park anywhere on campus except for housing lots and parking meters. The Mimosa Lot and the Gated Library Lot are open after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, but only to people with any WKU parking permit.
The Talisman created its own version of the parking map to make the lots and zones a bit less confusing. You’ll see the color-coded parking lots and which color represents where you can park with each parking pass.
Click here to download a PDF of the Talisman’s parking map.
Here is the list of parking lots labeled with numbers:
#1 Creason Lot and Parking Structure 3
#2 Jones Jaggers Lot
#3 Normal Street South Lot
#4 University Boulevard Lot
#5 Pearce Ford Lot (Under Construction)
#6 Barnes Lot
#7 Poland Lot
#8 Bemis Lot (Under Construction)
#9 Public Parking Meters (Enforced 24 hours)
#10 Mimosa Lot
#11 Chestnut Street South
#12 Normal Street North and Mimosa Point
#13 Park Street Lot
#14 Chestnut Street North
#15 Gated Library Lot
#16 College Hill Lot and Ogden Lot
#17 HUB Lot
#18 Lower HUB Lot
#19 Hilltop Drive
#20 Potter Lot
#21 Colonnade Lot
#22 Cherry Lot and Faculty House
#23 Alumni Square Garage*
#24 Kentucky Street Apartments Parking
#25 Adams Street Lot
#26 Kentucky Street Lot
#27 Diddle North Lot
#28 Diddle South Lot
#29 Diddle West Lot
#30 South Lawn and Avenue of Champions Parking (along the side of the street)
#31 Denes Field Lot
#32 Russellville Road Lot and Service Supply Lot
NOTE: A few smaller parking lots have not been named for the sake of design.
*The Alumni Square Garage is free on the weekends starting at 11 p.m. Friday until 7 a.m. Monday. Drivers will have to take a ticket regardless and insert it into the machine before the billing time begins to not accrue a fee.
Bus Routes
Our beloved Hill is what every student calls home at WKU, but not everyone loves it enough to walk it, which is why Parking and Transportation has two continuous bus routes that run every weekday. This year they are under two new names: Hilltopper Line and Big Red Line. The Talisman has taken a joy ride on these buses to provide you with the map for each route so you can easily know which bus will take you where!
After 6 p.m. on weekdays, the Big Red Line also includes the Walmart on Morgantown Road and the Hilltopper Line drives to Kroger on Campbell Lane.
Click here to download a PDF of The Talisman’s bus routes map.
Hilltopper Stops
(Starting from Campbell Lane Lot):
#1 Campbell Lane
#2 South Campus
#21 Campus Evolution Village
#20 Creason Lot
#28 Jones Jaggers Lot
#48 University Boulevard Lot
#29 Gary Ransdell Hall (GRH)
#32 Helm Library
#18 Environment Sciences and Technology Building (EST)
#30 Cherry Hall
#12 The Valley
#33 McCormack Hall
#47 Kentucky Street
#52 12th and Center Street (near the Columns apartments)
#5 College High Hall
#34 Grise Hall
#6 Jody Richards Hall (JRH)
#7 Pearce Ford Tower (PFT)
#46 Meredith Hall
#31 Creason Lot
#49 Campus Evolution Villages
Big Red Stops
(Starting from Russellville Road West Lot):
#9 Russellville Road West Parking Lot
#20 Parking Structure 3
#10 Parking Structure 1
#11 Schneider Hall (Gatton)
#15 Gordon Wilson Hall
#5 College High Hall
#34 Grise Hall
#6 Jody Richards Hall (JRH)
#16 South Chestnut
#19 Ogden Avenue and Park Street
#22 Park Street
#4 Chestnut North
#17 South Chestnut
#48 University Boulevard Lot
#29 Gary Ransdell Hall (GRH)
#32 Helm Library
#18 Environment Sciences and Technology Building (EST)
#30 Cherry Hall
#12 The Valley
#13 Downing Student Union (DSU)
#14 Keen Hall
WKU Parking and Transportation also provides a Shopping Line on Saturdays for anyone who wants to go out to Barnes & Noble, The Greenwood Mall, Kroger and Walmart on Campbell Lane. Service starts at 4 p.m. at Parking Structure 3 (stop #20) and runs every hour until 8 p.m.