Appreciating the simple things of WKU

It can be easy to forget to find joy in the little things WKU has to offer, especially when you’re caught up in the stress of finals week.

Here’s a list of simple things to remember to appreciate about WKU as you finish the semester strong.

The cherry blossoms


They are simply lovely and make springtime on the Hill beautiful.

The unpredictability of Centennial Mall

You really never know what you’re going to find when you walk through the center of campus.

The festivals

There are free things and fun activities are around every corner.

The Hill

The rocks, buildings and the Kissing Bridge are lovely, and shaded areas provide a nice place to eat and chat.

The Colonnade

The steps and the grassy area are great places to hang out, soak up the sun, study and relax in between classes.

Free t-shirts

It’s difficult to get through a year at WKU without receiving at least 15 free t-shirts.

Preston Center

Free workout classes and access to exercise equipment is nice, especially after eating all that yummy Steak n’ Shake.


Warm bagels and hot coffee from Einstein’s

Latte froth and bagels smothered in cream cheese are a wonderful start to any morning.

Coffee in general

This deserves its own category.

Tons of study spots

We take this one for granted, but where would we be without the comfy, well-lit study spots around campus?

The quirky imperfections of the residence halls

This may seem like a weird thing to put on this list, but imperfect dorm rooms are part of the college experience, right? Imperfection is part of life, and it helps us appreciate little luxuries even more.