As we wrap up the first week of classes, the Talisman staff reminisce on their winter break memories. From the castles and cuisine of Europe to braving Kentucky snowfall, take one last glimpse of winter break with the Talisman staff before the long semester ahead.
Gabriel Milby
Gabriel Milby arrived at the airport without a destination in mind at the beginning of break. On impulse, he said he booked a one-week trip through a travel agency with only one condition: he would not know where he was going until he got the ticket. After much anticipation, Milby was off to Portugal. He spent a week exploring castles, trying new food or wine and making new friends.
“This trip was truly amazing,” Milby said. “I learned to adventure and take those risks that seem scary. I took a leap of faith by not knowing where I was going and ended up in a beautiful country.”
Kayden Mulrooney
Kayden Mulrooney spent half of her winter break taking a photography class in London, England. She said the class gave her an excuse to see popular tourist sites and discover the city’s hidden gems with a camera in her hand.
Lindsey McIntosh
Photographer Lindsey McIntosh stayed home during winter break in Northern Kentucky. She said she spent the Christmas season taking photos of her dog, Christmas lights and the snow. McIntosh said areas in Northern Kentucky, including her hometown, got over a foot of snow in early January. She had to shovel it all out of her driveway, and the shovel broke shoveling it, she said.