How to rock the absentee vote

I love exercising my right to vote. It’s the only kind of regular exercise I do. However, I’ve only been in my home county for one election, so I had to figure out how to vote via absentee ballot pretty quickly.

Does the task seem daunting? Yes. But in actuality, it’s super easy to do.

Voting is so important, and given the major presidential election occurring in just a couple months, it’s important to know how you can cast your ballot.


Fear not, and follow these steps to acquire your very own absentee ballot for the November election.

Step 1: Make a phone call

If you’re from Kentucky, call your county clerk’s office. If you’re from another state, call your city’s courthouse, and from there, they’ll be able to connect you with the right folks. They’ll ask you some basic questions, including your address. Give them your school address, and then they’ll mail you an application.

Step 2: Fill out the application

Don’t freak out. The application is really quick and easy. It’s basically just asking why you need an absentee ballot. Because you’re a student who’s currently not living in the place where you’re registered to vote, you’ll be approved.

Step 3: VOTE

After your application has been received, your trusty absentee ballot will be mailed to you. Read the instructions that come with it because you don’t want a minor error to cause your vote to not be counted. Mark your choices, seal the envelope and send it back.

Step 4: Feel proud for being a good citizen

In all seriousness, voting is incredibly important. You have an opportunity to have a say in who runs our city, county, state and nation, and there is no excuse to not make your voice heard. Take advantage of this right, and don’t let something as trivial as acquiring an absentee ballot get in your way.

Important dates to know:

If you’re from Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee or Indiana, your absentee ballot must be received by November 8. Ohio’s deadline is November 7, and Illinois’s deadline is November 3. Don’t see your state listed? Just Google the name of your state and “absentee ballot deadline,” or call your local courthouse.

Good luck, and happy voting!