Students navigate the social media influencer industry Isabella Moses·March 9, 2022Imagine you’re checking your phone in between classes. On Instagram, constant updates about your friends’ lives, the latest...6 mins read
Tips for better Instagram photos from Talisman photographers Kristina Francis·January 31, 2020Taking and choosing the right pictures to post to your Instagram can be a stressful task, especially for...2 mins read
From the magazine: #nofilter Nicole Christensen·August 6, 2019This story was originally published in early May in “Paradise,” the sixth issue of Talisman magazine. Haley Wheeler’s...7 mins read
Greek Week Insta Round-up Talisman·May 1, 2017We rounded up some of our favorite Instas from Greek Week. Enjoy! Canstruct for a cause, a great way to...11 mins read
Plus-size models you should be following on Instagram Morgan Price·March 3, 2017Ashley Graham If you thought I was an open book before 🙋🏻 my first book hits shelves May 9th...3 mins read
Conquering your internet addiction: A 12-step process Olivia Mohr·February 1, 2017In this scenario, you are a knight who defends the noble kingdom called “your productivity.” A dragon named...3 mins read
Bid Day Insta Round-Up Talisman·August 22, 2016We rounded up our favorite Instagram posts from #WKUBidDay. Have a great year! Finally sisters in more than...9 mins read
#WKUSNOWDAY Evan Pennington·January 27, 2016We may not have missed a week of school (yet), but snow on the Hill is pretty beautiful....12 mins read
Our Favorite Homecoming Instas Naomi Driessnack·November 6, 2015We love what you post and we want to show the world! Here are our favorite instagrams from...1 min read