What’s Your Derby Horse Name?

Derby horses have the most beautiful and majestic names. Ever wondered what yours would be? Use your birthdate to find out what your friends would call you if you were a horse. Or maybe you’re already a horse — in which case, congratulations. We are all very jealous of you.

Have a great Derby, Toppers!




  • January – Good Ol’ American
  • February – The Wickedly Talented
  • March – The Prince of the
  • April – Tender Loving
  • May – The Supreme
  • June – Grand Mistress of the
  • July – Your Majesty
  • August – Your Royal Sweatiness, Lord of the
  • September – Quick n’ Dirty
  • October – Head Horse in Charge of the
  • November – Queen Mother of the
  • December – The Salty


  • 1 – Parking and Transportation
  • 2 – FAC
  • 3 – White Girls
  • 4 – Diarrheas
  • 5 – Lemonade
  • 6 – Heavy Doors at Mass Media
  • 7 – Horse
  • 8 – Overly-Cautious Bus Drivers
  • 9 – Grise Hall
  • 10 – Buffalo Rodeo
  • 11 – Campus Apartments
  • 12 – Biscuits
  • 13 – New WKU-Branded Soap Dispensers
  • 14 – Topper Bar and Grill
  • 15 – Meal Plans
  • 16 – Jay Todd Richey
  • 17 – Bruh Bruh
  • 18 – Sweaty Red Towels
  • 19 – Champion
  • 20 – Raccoons
  • 21 – Great American Donut Shop
  • 22 – Tiny Cherry Hall Bathroom Stalls
  • 23 – Anne Hathaway’s New Baby
  • 24 – White Squirrel
  • 25 – Big Red’s You-Know-What
  • 26 – Being a Little Obnoxious with Your Hammock
  • 27 – Loving Hamilton
  • 28 – Gary Ransdell’s Blazer
  • 29 – Not Making it to Class on Time
  • 30 – Struggling through the End of the Semester
  • 31 – Spencer’s Coffee