5 Essential Items to Carry in your Backpack

Do you like to be organized and prepared? Stock your backpack with these essentials, and your school year will rock.


WKU will have class rain or shine, and you won’t want to show up to your first day of class with wet, raggedy hair. Be sure to carry a mini umbrella with you at all times. You’ll use it more than you think, and you’ll be thankful for it when the skies start pouring on your way to class in Cherry Hall.



There are many types of planners, but they all do the same thing: keep you organized so you can balance assignments, work and the rest of your life. A good planner will help you become the star student in Biology 113. Invest in one and keep it handy in your backpack.


A laptop is a college must-have. Having your laptop can be helpful for completing assignments and jotting down notes when your professor talks too fast. It can even keep you entertained between classes.


Make sure you always have your ID on hand. If you live in a dorm, it’s your ticket inside. If you have a meal plan, it’s your pass to greasy pizza from Papa John’s. And even if none of these apply to you, you’re still bound to forget your 800# at some point.

Water Bottle

Stay hydrated, Hilltoppers! You could spend $1.79 on Dasani water in POD, or you could bring your own water bottle to class and fill it up for free with water from the fountains all over campus. It’s your call, but we recommend the latter.