Kayla Ruth, Owensboro, Ky., relaxes in her room after finishing moving into Douglas-Keen. After completing her associates degree in high school, Ruth decided to come to Western to pursue social media and Human Resources. "I did my time at home, I wanted to get away," said Ruth.

Q&A: Getting to know WKU 2022

As a new class of Hilltoppers moved in for MASTER Plan this week, Talisman writer Amelia Hicks visited the dorms to interview some of WKU’s newest students to see how they feel about moving to the Hill.

Editor’s note: Answers have been edited for clarity.


Malia Curtsinger

Biology and Criminal Justice major from Goodlettsville, Tennessee

Q: Why did you choose WKU?

A: I really like the atmosphere and how spirited it is. Plus, both of my parents went here. I wasn’t planning on going (to WKU), but I visited to see a friend who went here, and I fell in love with the campus. It’s so beautiful. I love Bowling Green, too.

Q: Have you met your roommate yet?

A: Yeah, I met her a couple weeks ago and then again last week. We aren’t complete strangers, but I imagine we’re going to get to know each other a lot more living together.

Q: How would you describe Big Red?

A: He’s our school spirit!

Q: What are some goals you have for this year?

A: I want to meet people mostly. I’m very social, so I want to make a lot of friends. Hopefully I find out for sure if my major is really what I want to do. Well, both my majors.



Hunter Dukes

Marketing major from Nashville

Q: Why did you choose WKU?

A: I like the setting, and it’s a nice school. I like it right here.

Q: Have you met your roommate before?


A: Yeah, we went to high school together.

Q: How would you describe Big Red?

A: He’s a blob, but he’s cool though. He’s unique. No one else has a blob.

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: It’s starting over, like a new chapter, you know? I’m not even from here, so it’s like, “What’s it like over here?” It’s all new.



Megan Meunier

Elementary Education major from Gibson City, Illinois

Q: Why did you choose WKU?

A: I had never heard of (WKU) before until I got a booklet in the mail. I looked through the booklet and I thought, “This place actually looks really pretty!” So I looked (WKU) up, and I fell in love with the virtual tour. Then my parents set up an actual tour, and I fell in love as soon as I got here.

Q: Have you met your roommate before?

A: I have. We had the app where you can find roommates or make friends. I actually met her at orientation for the first time, but we had been talking for a year. So we got to know each other, and when we finally met, it was really cool.

Q: How would you describe Big Red?

A: He’s cool. I wouldn’t say he’s weird, but he’s different from most mascots. He’s really upbeat and peppy, and I like him. I know he’s supposed to be the top of the Hill, right? But I think he’s just a big red blob honestly. I just call him a big red blob.

Q: What are some goals you have for this year?

A:  Definitely keep my grades up and get that good GPA — focusing on school. I know that people are always looking for parties or fun things to do, but I’m like, “Yeah I’m probably just going to live in my dorm.”

Q: What are you most excited about?


A: Well, I’m excited about a ton of things. Right now it’s definitely my dorm room, but also making new friends and meeting new people.



Amira Williams

Chemistry major from Clarksville, Tennessee

Q: Why did you choose WKU?

A: I’m going to be honest — I applied to other schools, and this is the first place I got accepted, so I’m not about to waste all my time. I’d rather go somewhere that wants me.

Q: Have you met your roommate before?

A: I haven’t met her yet. I’ll meet her today. I made her a present and everything to give to her. I guess you could call it a dorm-warming gift instead of a house-warming gift.

Q: How would you describe Big Red?

A: Terrifying. That thing scares the mess out of me. He’s the top of the Hill though, isn’t he?

Q: What are some goals you have for this year?

A: Make sure I get to class on time, get good grades, and hopefully I can go to Spain after this year.

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: Meeting new friends and actually starting school. Also, seeing if this dorm is alright and making sure my room is okay.



Evan Watson

Mechanical Engineering major from Atlanta

Q: Why did you choose WKU?

A: I used to live here. I went to Greenwood for high school. I’ve been to campus a few times, and (WKU) offers some really good opportunities.

Q: Have you met your roommate before?

A: I have not yet, maybe late tonight.

Q: How would you describe Big Red?


A: He’s cool. He’s a chill dude. He kind of looks like a balloon.

Q: What are some goals you have for this year?

A: I’m trying to be in the top 10 percent of my class. Then I want to join a few different sports programs, like maybe baseball and football.

Q: What are you most excited about?

A: I’m mostly excited about meeting a bunch of new people and making this place feel like home again.

