Hilltoppers on … being greek Brittany Morrison·October 25, 2019Homecoming is a time when alumni head for the Hill, Big Red does his roar and members of...1 min read
Top 7 most iconic moments at WKU in 2016 Rachel Phelps·December 25, 2016It has been an interesting year, and though many of the most compelling events took place off-campus, WKU...3 mins read
Reflections from Spencer’s Coffee on the morning of Homecoming Rachel Phelps·October 27, 2016I got up early on the day of the Homecoming. I had a lot to do over the...2 mins read
How to have fun during Homecoming when you’re not Greek Shaire Blythe·October 21, 2016Being non-Greek during Homecoming can feel like sitting in the dugout of a baseball field, watching other people...2 mins read
8 things you probably didn’t know about Dr. Seuss Rachel Phelps·October 21, 2016With this year’s Homecoming theme being inspired by the always iconic Dr. Seuss, here are some facts about...2 mins read
Pomp ’til you drop: How to make the perfect pomps Rachel Phelps·October 18, 2016Much like “student loans” or “Parking and Transportation Services,” the word “pomping” strikes fear into the hearts of...1 min read
9 Smells of Homecoming Helen Gibson·November 9, 2015For some die-hard Hilltoppers, Homecoming is an important time of the year. But the fact that Homecoming is...1 min read
Our Favorite Homecoming Instas Naomi Driessnack·November 6, 2015We love what you post and we want to show the world! Here are our favorite instagrams from...1 min read
Happy Homecoming, y’all! Evan Pennington·November 6, 2015 Homecoming is here, and it’s shaping up to be another great entry in Hilltopper tradition. Here’s a look...1 min read