ArtWorks Inc. hosts recycled art exhibit at Capitol Arts Center Staci Henderson·February 25, 2020Popcorn is not the expected smell when walking into an art exhibit, but in the Capitol Arts Center...3 mins read
WKU alumni and students connect through art exhibition Julianna Lowe·February 9, 2020Behind glass doors, the main gallery of the Fine Arts Center has become home to 80 pieces of...4 mins read
From the magazine: The dirty art kids Raegan Steffey·January 2, 2020On the concrete floor of the ceramics studio in the Fine Arts Center lay rectangular wooden frames, empty...6 mins read
Community Creators: Laura Beth Fox-Ezell Emma Steele·October 22, 2019Laura Beth Fox-Ezell is a potter who makes feminist-inspired mugs and is also a librarian who teaches pottery...2 mins read
Community Creators: Adam Moore Noah Powers·September 18, 2019Adam Moore, also known by the pseudonym Harold Apples, is a husband, father of two children, and now...4 mins read
Community Creators: Anni Smith McKenna Mitchell·April 29, 2019Anni Smith is a digital artist from Corbin who is challenging society’s standards through interstellar and inclusive art....4 mins read
4 DIY all-natural spring cleaning supplies Alex Baumgarten·April 4, 2019With the beginning of spring comes a natural rejuvenation of life: flowers blooming, warmer weather and longer days....2 mins read
WKU poets discuss poetry and mental health Amelia Brett·February 18, 2019Three WKU poets were willing to open up about how poetry has helped them or how it can...6 mins read
3 DIY recipes for radiant winter skin Paige Richard·December 7, 2018inter time is rapidly approaching, and the colder temperatures can be really rough on your skin. There are...3 mins read
Talisman Playlist: Winter on the Hill Talisman·December 3, 2018s the cold weather of December nudges us into the start of winter and brings on the nostalgia...1 min read