What your mask says about you Katie Poindexter·September 3, 2020 Surgical mask If you wear a surgical mask, you are someone who is always on the go....1 min read
From the Magazine: Horoscopes Dillon McCormick·August 24, 2020ARIES March 21 – April 19 Your life can sometimes be like a thunderstorm: pent up energy released...3 mins read
From the magazine: Now and again Emma Steele·August 21, 2020 The Talisman has a long-lasting tradition covering the community and student life of WKU. What started in...1 min read
Letter from the editor: Improving diversity at the Talisman Max Zambrano·August 18, 2020Dear readers, The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and countless other people of color prompted a summer...1 min read
From the magazine: Curbing conversion Matthew Williams·June 10, 2020Anna Porter, a 20-year-old member of the LGBTQ+ community from Elizabethtown, lived in an environment filled with homophobia...11 mins read
Tips & tricks for hair care at home Julianna Lowe·May 15, 2020Yellow, green, blue and pink swirl around the edges of the sink, streaming into the drain that gurgles...2 mins read
Sexual assault recovery services adjust to pandemic Emily Lancaster·May 14, 2020Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted, yet only 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison, according...4 mins read
Relationships during quarantine, together and apart Talisman·May 12, 2020Celebrating a 5-year anniversary on Animal Crossing By Mackenzie Montross I moved out of my WKU Apartment on...10 mins read
One daisy at a time: Local floral shops continue business amid COVID-19 Emily Lancaster·May 10, 2020Many local businesses across the country have had to close their doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Large...4 mins read
‘The icing on the cake’: WKU students celebrate their birthdays in quarantine Julianna Lowe·May 1, 2020Kentucky’s first confirmed case of COVID-19 was on March 6. Since then, the numbers of confirmed cases in...3 mins read