From death till we part: An embalmer’s process Annalee Hubbs·February 5, 2020Kevin Kirby, a Bowling Green funeral director, leads his life knowing the moment we breathe, we start taking...12 mins read
Tips for better Instagram photos from Talisman photographers Kristina Francis·January 31, 2020Taking and choosing the right pictures to post to your Instagram can be a stressful task, especially for...2 mins read
From the magazine: 24 Hours Talisman·January 24, 2020Editor’s note: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Chris Duke is part of the Bowling...4 mins read
From the magazine: Meta-Mom Nicole Christensen·January 22, 2020When walking inside Green Earth Stones Metaphysical Center, there is a strong scent of candles, incense and essential...5 mins read
From the magazine: In the weeds Zane Meyer-Thornton·January 16, 2020Shelby Mathews is a 13-year-old girl who lives in Morgantown with her mom, dogs, chickens, peacocks and a...9 mins read
From the magazine: Chaos and the calm De'inara Carter·January 14, 2020“The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the...7 mins read
From the magazine: Supply and demand Dillon McCormick·January 10, 2020Editor’s note: A previous, printed version of this story incorrectly stated that fall 2018 enrollment data showed the...6 mins read
From the magazine: Young and partisan Morgan Bass·January 8, 2020From right to left to somewhere in between, there are political organizations on the Hill for students who...1 min read
From the magazine: The dirty art kids Raegan Steffey·January 2, 2020On the concrete floor of the ceramics studio in the Fine Arts Center lay rectangular wooden frames, empty...6 mins read
From the magazine: Uprooting Bethel Aklilu·December 30, 2019International students arrive in America with their own goals and their own lives, and it is up to...9 mins read