Breaking up with Twitter Dillon McCormick·November 19, 2019One day in late September, I did something unthinkable. I deactivated my Twitter account. I was an early...3 mins read
Cuffing season playlists Emma Lomax·November 18, 2019The phrase “cuffing season” gets tossed around every time the weather gets a little chilly and the sky...1 min read
What your astrology sign says about you as a WKU student Isabella Moses·November 15, 2019ARIES (March 21-April 19) The Aries is considered the most active of the signs, but they don’t have...3 mins read
Gender-neutral fall fashion tips Bobby Burt·November 15, 2019Picture this: you just rolled out of bed about to get mentally and physically prepared for the day...8 mins read
WKU hosts annual Veterans Day wreath ceremony De'inara Carter·November 14, 2019Vietnam War veteran Roger Parish reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a black and white photograph...2 mins read
Cooking with Dillon: Spaghetti with tomato sauce Dillon McCormick·November 13, 2019If you’re like me, you get sick of campus food pretty quick. Even worse, you can end up...1 min read
Reaching for the bottle: A look at sleep-inducing drugs and supplements Olivia Dawson·November 11, 2019In the middle of the semester, responsibilities seem to pile up. Going from classes to meetings to homework...4 mins read
Fur friends provide comfort on the Hill Jess Brandt·November 8, 2019Owensboro sophomore Kelsey King takes her bunny Lily Jane with her practically everywhere she goes. She said she...4 mins read
How to conquer gym anxiety Jess Brandt·November 7, 2019Editor’s note: A previous version of this story originally said there are 10 tips in the article, not...6 mins read
Day of the Dead honors deceased relatives Josie Keeley·November 6, 2019Every year in October when jack-o’-lanterns and Halloween skeletons start popping up, so do ornate sugar skulls and...3 mins read